Lectionary Readings for Friday, April 19th, 2019

Lectionary Readings for Friday, April 19th, 2019

Full Moon

Book of Cpenta-Armij Chapters VII and VIII

Chapter VII

1. Ahura immediately on his return to his kingdom set about accomplishing this great

2. Now there were with Ahura many who had been sub-Gods and were captains and
generals under him whilst he was in rebellion against Jehovih and His kingdoms; and
when they heard of the proclamation they said within their souls: What, is it possible
Ahura is at his old games? For they knew not his concert with the kingdoms above, and
so believed not in his power.

3. Jehovih moved upon Ahura, and induced him to send numerators and graders
throughout his kingdom, to take the measure of those who had faith, and of those who
had no faith; and of those who had neither faith nor non-faith. And these Ahura graded
and numbered, so when the time came he should know where to place them. Then he
numbered the unlearned and dumb; and then the enthusiastic; and he graded them and
arranged them also.

4. When he had this much accomplished, there came to him one Anuhasaj, a former
sub-God, and he said to Ahura, privily: I love thee, Ahura, and for that reason come
before thee. Thou shalt meet only failure and disaster in thy undertaking. How
many times, in thy mighty kingdom of Ctusk, didst the All High fail to come to thee?

5. Ahura said: Because of thy love I rejoice in thee; but because of thy lack in faith I
deplore thee. How long will it be before angels and mortals understand the Father and His
kingdoms? Behold, in the days of Ctusk I labored not for Jehovih, but for myself and my
exaltation, and for the exaltation of my kingdom for mine own ends. Hence the All High
came not to answer my prayers. Now, in this matter, I am doing that which is not for me,
nor for my kingdom for mine own sake, but for the Father’s sake only. And I know He
will not fail me.

6. Anuhasaj said: Hath it not been from the time of the ancients till now, that certain ones
say that by prayer and faith all things are possible, assuring us, moreover, that by such are
all things accomplished in earth and in heaven? And yet, who hath not witnessed more
failure than success? I do not desire to discourage thee, O Ahura, but I know so well the
lack of faith on the part of all men, and that to get one’s self weaned away from self is the
weakest talent in the soul. And, for which reason, too, it is ultimately the greatest glory.
But this would seem to me expedient: To have Cpenta-armij and her hosts do this
resurrection for thee.

7. Ahura said: Even thine every thought have I already fulfilled. And through the
Chieftainess came the Father’s Voice, commanding me to do this resurrection on mine
own account.

8. To this Anuhasaj made no reply, but in his soul he was not free from the tetracts, being
jealous that Ahura had advanced him in obtaining the Father’s commands. But Ahura
perceived it not, and he said unto Anuhasaj: The hosts of Ailkin have been numbered, and
there are four thousand millions and five hundred millions. And within the grades above
es’yan there are one hundred and seventy thousand schools, two hundred and thirty
thousand colleges, four hundred thousand factories, and two hundred thousand hospitals.

9. Behold, on the day of resurrection I shall have the Han-od-wotcha recreation for my
hosts. Let this, then, be thy labor, to have the matter proclaimed throughout Ailkin.

Anuhasaj said: By Jehovih’s leave and thine, I am satisfied.

10. Thus ended the matter, and Ahura remembered afterward, that Anuhasaj had not
answered positive acceptance, and so Ahura feared, and, to make doubly sure, called
Evasan, and committed the same charge to him.

11. Now when the time came, lo and behold, Anuhasaj fulfilled not his part, but Evasan
did; and Evasan, moreover, came to Ahura, bringing answers from all the departments.

12. In the morning of the day of the resurrection, Ahura sent for Anuhasaj and inquired
concerning the matter. Anuhasaj said: Nay, I issued not thy proclamation nor thy
invitation; for I reasoned on the matter, saying to myself: If the resurrection be a failure,
then would it indeed be better that the ignorant know not of it.

13. Ahura said: To do well one’s own part; is this not the highest? Anuhasaj said: It is
the highest. Even so have I done that which seemed the highest in mine own sight.

14. Ahura said: The resurrection was not for thee nor for me, but for the hosts. For
thou hadst previously admitted that the resurrection of this plateau was the highest,
best thing to be done. Because it seemed impracticable in thy sight, thou wert not
justified in withholding thy hand. Thou shouldst have striven to accomplish that which
was for the universal good, not even whispering thy distrust to any one. Then, had it
failed, thine own soul had been clear. For which reason Jehovih came to me, and I was
so admonished to depute Evasan in thy stead, and he hath fulfilled my commands.

15. Anuhasaj made no reply, but went away in displeasure, and for the present the matter
was dismissed.

16. Ahura had sent invitations to the Lords of all the divisions of the earth, asking them to
come, bringing their attendants with them. Of these the following came, to wit: Oe-wah,
Lord of Hi-jee-tse; Ha-kappa, Lord of Paradise; Loo-gam, Lord of Vri-mij; Jes-Sie,
Lordess of Spe-ta; Ami, Lordess of Kosmon; Horam, Lord of Flue; and Puetse, Lordess
of Sin-Yot, each bringing one million attendants, besides hundred of thousands of visitors
of lower grade.

17. Cpenta-armij, with her visitors, Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, and five
million attendants, and five and thirty million visitors, from Craoshivi, came in an
avalanza made for the purpose.

18. The place of removal which Ahura had decided to inherit was in the second belt
below meteoris, known in atmospherea at that time as Vara-pishanaha, which laid betwixt
the land of Vind’yu and the star-region known as the H
a heavenly place, uninhabited. From Ailkin to Vara-pishanaha was fourteen hours in
grade twenty-five, which was the average of Ahura’s hosts; but its enlargement in the
upper belt would be as fifteen to nine.

19. Cpenta-armij and her hosts were the first to arrive in Ahura’s dominion; for she had
determined that nothing should lead to failure in Ahura’s enterprise. Through her advice
Ahura stationed water-bearers the entire distance of travel, lest, in the excitement, the
drujas might run into knots or riot. For such is the nature of darkness, both on earth and in
the lower heavens: the low delight to dwell in a city, or near a place of filth, if
companionable, rather than go to a place of isolation where improvement is possible.

20. Jehovih had said to Ahura: Suffer not thy drujas to know thou wilt remove them so far
from the earth; confide thou only with the wise in reference to thy destiny. Cpenta-armij
had said to Ahura: Provide thy drujas a holiday in parade, with rites and ceremonies. And

Ahura perceived how the matter had to be, and he apportioned eighty millions of his
hosts to provide parades, rites and ceremonies for the drujas of his hosts, and of these
drujas, ranking below grade five, there were one thousand millions and two hundred
millions, being such angels as knew not the left hand from the right, nor could remember
to count five from one day to the next. And yet the next thousand million, rating
below grade twelve, knew so little more, they were scarcely wiser than beasts in the field.

21. Cpenta-armij, seeing these, exclaimed: O Jehovih, how long must Ahura labor with
these in order to raise them to grade ninety-nine! O that they who set themselves up as
Gods knew what lay before them! O that leaders of men knew! O that mortal kings and
queens knew the bondage that they lay down for themselves! What a work in the lower
heavens for them before they can ascend! And yet, O Jehovih, Thou art just. Some one
must labor with these unfortunates. It is well that man aspireth to be king, and Lord and

Chapter VIII

1. When they were assembled for the resurrection, the thousands of millions, Cpentaarmij went and stood at the right hand of Ahura, and next to her stood Owks; and on the
left hand stood See-wah-Gon and Ha-o-ha, and the Voice of Jehovih fell upon Ahura,
saying: Extend My lines to the four corners of the world; give into My labor the highest

2. Accordingly, the marshals drew the line on the plateau, and the hosts of etherea stood
equally toward every corner, arranged in phalanxes of ten millions each; each having the
form of a quarter of a circle; leaving the lines of power from center to circumference, and
the distance thereof was equal to the width of Vind’yu on the corporeal earth. And the
center of the plateau was high raised, so that Ahura stood on the highest place, which laid
near the C

3. Now it so happened that the jealous Anuhasaj stood twelfth on the east line, being the
thirteenth from Ahura’s left hand. Cpenta-armij said to Ahura: Behold, the line is
shattered. Ahura said: I feel nothing; how sayest Thou, The line is shattered? She
answered him, saying: He who doeth Jehovih’s work must deal as Jehovih dealeth. Only
those who are in concert with thee must labor with thee. Otherwise thy best endeavors
will be thwarted. Ahura said:

4. O thou far-perceiving Goddess! In my much love and sympathy I admitted Anuhasaj to
the lines. He hath been my best friend. Cpenta-armij said: Thou shalt know but One
Friend, Jehovih.

5. Ahura perceived, and he now felt the shattered place, and he sent his chief marshal to
Anuhasaj to bring him from the rank. And when Anuhasaj was before Ahura, the latter
said unto him: Because thou servest thyself, thou shalt not stand in line; behold, there is
but O
NE to serve, even Jehovih. Anuhasaj said: A joy upon thee and thy scheme. Because
thou art powerless, thou hast singled me out as an excuse before these Gods and

6. Ahura made no answer, but spake before Jehovih, saying: Give me strength for Thy
Children’s sake, O Father! Behold, I have cut loose the foundations of Ailkin; with highextending cords I have bound her to Vara-pishanaha. By virtue of Thy power in me I will

raise her up. In Thy name, let my hosts in will command: ARISE! UPWARD! ONWARD!

7. With the third enunciation, which came from the thousands of millions in concert,
behold, the plateau moved from her foundation; turned a little, then slowly, upward
arose. Loud shouted all the inhabitants of that heaven; with their own universal will
the Great Spirit stretched forth His hand and raised up the heavenly continent. Even as
with His hand He toucheth a corporeal continent and sendeth it beneath the ocean,
so raiseth He His heavenly places toward His emancipated worlds. Yea, because of
His Spirit upon His people, they desire it risen; with them and Him, A

8. And now, the Gods, with unbroken will, held their places as it were a day for the
corporeal earth, and not a God or Goddess from the single purpose in thought strayed a
moment of time and no distracting thought intervening; for such is the will and mastery of
Gods over their own thoughts. Even then, to keep up the concerted force joyously, those
who had the drujas in charge sat the games and tournaments going, with racing and
music, such as should leave not one idle moment for all the hosts of Ailkin, nearly five
thousand millions.

9. Upward and onward rose the great plateau, making straight course for Vara-pishanaha.
Ahura stood in the eyes of the unlearned populace as the greatest and most masterly of all
the Gods. One alone, even Anuhasaj, stood a while transfixed with disappointment and
chagrin, even hoping some mishap to Jehovih’s proceedings. And finally, he went
wandering about, sore and out of sorts with all righteousness.

10. Thus was raised the heavenly place, and no longer called Ailkin, but Vara-pishanaha,
home of Ahura and his hosts. And now, when they were securely established in the place,
and the Gods and Goddesses broke from line, they all came greeting to Ahura. And, even
in the same moment of time, a messenger came from God, who was with Brahma on the
corporeal earth, bringing to Cpenta-armij the following commandment, by proxy, to wit:

11. In Jehovih’s name, give thou a throne and crown to Ahura for Me, and in My name. I
promised him thus!

12. The light came upon Cpenta-armij, and Jehovih spake through her, saying: Behold the
work of My hand, O Ahura, My Son! In the substance of heaven fashion I thee a throne
and high-raised capital. And with Mine own hands weave thee a crown. From this time
forth thou shalt be My God, and I will abide with thee.

13. Whilst the words were being spoken, the throne rose up before Cpenta-armij’s hand,
and a high-raised capital came and stood over and about the throne. And there descended
from the heavens above bows of light and color, which in Cpenta-armij’s fingers were
shaped and woven into a crown which alighted on Ahura’s head. And there went up from
the hosts a universal shout of praise and thanksgiving. Then broke in the trumpeters,
seven millions, and after they prayed a while, the es’enaurs chanted, T

14. Thus was founded Jehovih’s heavenly kingdom, Vara-pishanaha; thus established
Ahura his dominions where rebellion and secession were cut off forever. And Cpentaarmij gave to Ahura a thousand messengers, and opened a roadway to Craoshivi. Ahura
ascended his throne, and the Gods and Goddesses saluted

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